All photography provided by Megy Karydes.

Inside the Life of a Writer: Megy's E-Newsletter

~ writing isn't a solitary activity when you have a tribe ~

Will you join my tribe? 

I'm often asked how I can deal with the solitude of writing, especially because those who know me know I'm an extrovert. The reality is, I treasure the quiet time during the day, especially during the morning when my brain is rested and fresh. It helps ground me and lets me focus. By mid-day, I need to tend to emails, return phone calls and by mid-afternoon, my brain is fried. 

Other than those few morning hours when I'm writing and truly alone, I never feel lonely. That's because I have a tribe. Several, in fact. I wouldn't have it any other way.

For one, I have my clients. I'm so grateful to work with outstanding organizations whose missions align with mine. I feel honored to help them shape their messages and communicate those messages to a broader audience, whether that's members of the media, their supporters and members, or donors. 

Secondly, I'm active in a number of writing groups and/or writing associations, from my freelancer writers accountability group (we meet monthly), to my book writing accountability group (we meet every other month), to my UPOD Academy goats, American Society of Journalists and Authors (of which I'm an active member) or The Fifth Semester (an immersion writing program that is akin to getting an MFA on speed; the founders are helping me shape my book proposal right now).

All this to say, I hardly ever feel alone. What I've learned over the years, in fact, is once people find out you're a writer, they're intrigued. And, I'll admit, we do share some of the best stories. 

So my e-newsletter is meant to be a way for me to share some funny stories I've come across during my research, some interesting writing I've seen, and an update on my book proposal and book writing process. Since I'm trying to learn to cook with my son, I'll likely include some recipes we've been trying. And my daughter is an aerialist so you may have to suffer through a performance or two if my phone's battery doesn't die out on my like it did on her last performance.

Intrigued? I hope so! I'm excited to continue to build my tribe and hope you'll join me on this journey. Expect no more than one or two e-newsletters to hit your inbox monthly for right now. 



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