All photography provided by Megy Karydes.
Want to take your writing to the next level? Want to create a marketing plan or draft a blog calendar that you'll actually follow? I can help.
- Marketing Audit: a marketing audit is designed to review what you're currently doing to market your business or organization and what you need to do to take you to the next level. In advance of our 2-hour initial phone call, I will send you an audit checklist to fill out which will help us during the discussion. The audit checklist is meant for you to gather what you've done over the course of your existence, over the past 12 months and what you want to achieve in the next 12 months to strengthen your marketing outreach. $299
- Marketing and PR Consultation: Need to brainstorm and discuss what’s working or what you need to do to take your marketing or public relations work to the next level? Similar to the Marketing Audit, we’ll discuss your goals for the coming year and how to achieve them in this 2-hour call. $299
- 52-Week Marketing Monday Checklist for Indie Retailers: Are you an independent retailer that knows she needs to step up her marketing game but aren’t sure where to start? Our 52-Week Marketing Monday Checklist is designed to give retailers a prompt every Monday morning so they can focus on just one thing that week. Whether it’s trying your hand at an unboxing video or sharing unusual holidays that you might be able to promote, the idea behind our weekly emails is to get you executing marketing tactics that are easy, cost-effective and, most importantly, effective! $299/year
- 12 Months of Marketing Like a Ninja: This program is for those who want someone to help them craft their initial marketing and public relations plan and to execute it on their own. It’s also a great option for those who want to really focus on their marketing for the year but don’t have the funds to hire a marketing or PR consultant on a monthly retainer. We’ll spend two hours the first month identifying your goals and developing a strategy with tactics to achieve your goals and then have an accountability check-in monthly by phone to make sure you’re staying on course (and an opportunity to evaluate what’s working and pivot if necessary). We’ll schedule our monthly calls in advance so you won’t have any excuses not to miss them! $1,399
- How to Break Into Freelance Writing Like a Ninja: Dream about leaving the cube farm and seeing your byline in major media outlets? It’s not impossible but crafting a sustainable freelance career takes more than talent. One needs to understand the market, develop good story ideas, find the right person to pitch and be persistent. What’s the difference between a topic and story idea? How do you come up with story ideas? When should you pitch and to whom? In this four-week session, each lasting one hour via telephone, we’ll discuss what you need to do to break into a freelance writing career. $399
Finally, if none of these programs is right for you, I’m happy to customize a program that fits your needs. I offer one-on-one counseling sessions in-person, by phone or Skype at $150/hour. In-person sessions require 2-hour minimum session.
Benefit from my decades of experience in marketing and writing and let's work together to arm you with the resources you need to take your work to the next level.
Writing Accountability Groups
Want to create a writing accountability group? Having your own tribe can be priceless.